Course Content
Offshore Asset Protection Trusts
About Lesson


Rob Lambert with Asset Protection Training 


Today, we’re going to be talking about your Trust Company 


How to pick an Asset Protection Trust Company 


This is your trust company, it’s a corporation licensed in one of two countries Belize or the Cooks. You don’t need nor want to go to any other countries, even though 11 other countries have supposedly established asset protection laws. Those laws don’t even come close to what’s available in the cooks and Belize, which are the two jurisdictions of choice. They’re both great they’re both in completely opposite sides of the world and basically, the time zone is one of the main things I worry about. because if you live in the united states, you have to get up in the middle of the night to call the cooks. With that said, I’ve written two books about the cooks and loved them and used them quite a bit both jurisdictions are great.


Trust companies are not there to manage your money, you need to realize that. They don’t want to really know what you have except to be in full compliance, so they can show that they understand who their client is. They need to be able to prove that you’re a clean living person by their standards, whatever their standards are. Their job is to represent you before the government of their country, make sure that you’re not a money laundering piece of garbage representing a terrorist group.  


That’s because asset protection works for bad people and good people,  the banks and the trust companies try to be the buffer.  That’s the purpose of the US patriot act, know your customer rules. That burden, by the way,  is one of the reasons why the banks do not want American citizens individually.


Remember, trust no one, stay in control of your money. Don’t even tell the trust company where your assets are or what you’re doing. As the rubber meets the road at the offshore LLC, the manager and it meets the road at the signature card. Neither of which are available to the trust company unless you decide to trust them which would be a very big silly mistake.  So don’t do it, you don’t need to you stay in control of everything. 


The next topic we’re going to be talking about is the Asset Protection Trust itself.


What you have to worry about there? 

why you spend so much time on it?

What it does and does not do?


Thank you very much for watching. 

I wish you a healthy and protected week

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